Lawful Interception Monitoring
and Critical Network Traffic Analysis
Lawful Interception solutions designed to protect your organization’s needs
Lawful Intercept Explained
What Is Lawful Intercept?
How Does It Work?
Lawful Interception (LI) operates through the deployment of Lawful Interception Gateways (LIGs) and interception nodes within telecom infrastructure. These components enable authorized entities to monitor specific communications in real time, such as phone calls, SMS, emails, and instant messages. Data is intercepted and forwarded to the requesting agency while adhering to strict legal and regulatory frameworks. Providers ensure compliance by integrating interception solutions that selectively and securely deliver the required information, balancing investigative needs with privacy protections.

Enabling Legally Mandated
Interception At Scale
It’s imperative that law enforcement agencies are able to quickly access telecommunications data and view this critical information within a workable interface.
Our lawful intercept solutions allow users to:
- View diverse streams of data together
- Sift through large volumes of data
- Obtain actionable data
- Follow subjects across a multitude of applications and online identities
- Drive improved investigative outcomes
NetQuest’s technology offers excellent results by quickly aggregating metadata, IoT, location, and other information to generate real-time intelligence.

Lawful Intercept with
Network Metadata
In the UK, the term Internet Connection Records (ICRs) is used more commonly when referring to detailed metadata.
Hackers are using increasingly complex techniques to hide within communication flows, embedding in networks’ attack surfaces for prolonged periods.
Internet Connection Records (ICRs) play a crucial role in tracking cyber threats across large-scale networks by providing metadata that helps security teams identify suspicious patterns without analyzing communication content.
Lawful Intercept Challenges for Optical Transport Networks
Gathering lawful intercept from Wide-Area Optical Transport Networks (OTN and SDH) networks is a high priority, mission-critical activity. Historically, gaining monitoring and interception access to traffic crossing these networks has been performed by deploying multiple network monitoring products not purposely designed for WAN Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) monitoring activities.
The challenge is accessing this traffic requires tapping thousands of fibers, each potentially carrying terabits of traffic with multiple speeds and physical layer transport protocols. Once the traffic is accessed, monitoring requires a significant amount of manual survey and configuration effort to identify and access the targeted IP traffic to generate any useful intelligence.

WAN Auto Discovery
Simplifies Lawful Intercept
The cornerstone of NetQuest Interception technology is its unique Auto-Discovery process. This NetQuest breakthrough innovation automates the analysis of the digital signal hierarchy of each traffic stream to determine signal speed, framing format, and the channelization structure.
The NetQuest Intercept solution’s auto-discovery process greatly simplifies WAN SIGINT monitoring operations. This is essential when monitoring private line or virtual private line services because bandwidth allocation and protocol usage can vary between circuits because they are determined by the specific termination equipment.
Lawful Intercept At
International Scale
Modern WAN transport networks, utilizing optical fiber technology, enable seamless global communication, critical for lawful interception missions. These networks facilitate data sharing over vast distances, including submarine infrastructures, which carry IP packets via complex transport protocols like DWDM, OTN, and SONET/SDH.
For government and telecom security operations, unique WAN visibility solutions are required to analyze these protocols effectively. Unlike standard telecom equipment and protocol analyzers, specialized tools for lawful intercept support real-time monitoring and threat detection at this scale, ensuring secure and efficient surveillance capabilities
Contact NetQuest Today
At NetQuest, we can help you understand the importance of robust lawful interception solutions and how they help protect your network from potential threats. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you implement simple, straightforward lawful intercept solutions.